Roommate episode 6 – Korean Reality Show

A lot went down in this episode even though the overall concept of the show is rather undefined. It was a week of pranks all around. No one is ever going to believe any one’s truth, now.

ep 6 pic

So if I had to make fanfic dating couples from this crowd it would look like the following. Do you agree?

Bom + Min-woo just because. Make it work, you two. After all, you relate on a mental level.

Nana Kang-joon – our youngest idols look cute together. Kang-joon, I’m in your corner always, but Nana sent hearts your way and she is moving up in my ratings.

Ga-yeon + Chanyeol – Both are charming beyond their age, adorable, accomplished. C’mon, Chanyeol, let Ga-yeon wrap her legs around you and pin you down. They’re both adorable in baseball caps, too.

SoRa \ / Sung-woo – Live a little. They’d rock each others’ orbit. They couldn’t even eye stare for 5 seconds. All they need is a REAL ice breaker. Don’t live loveless lives – it’s time to find that significant person.

Soo-hyun ♥♥ Dong-wook – they have had less than zero interaction so far, but I think they’d actually work together (in a Roommate sort of world, that is).

SeHo ♦– the cheese stands alone. Sorry, man. Life is sometimes cruel that way.

Do you agree?


For my commentary on this episode ~


Bom and Min-woo get 8/10 this episode – At first I was flipping out because I watched without subs and didn’t realize their relationship was a prank, so I deemed them waaay too needy. But when I watched with subs – whoa! it was actually a lot of fun because of the way they approached their fake relationship. Min-woo’s acting isn’t bad and he’s witty on the spot. I am beginning to think he coordinates his style with purpose. He is more complicated than his first impression implies. Maybe a bit needy for attention sometimes, but he’s not super obnoxious about it. He monitors situations and jumps in if he’s in the background so as not to be forgotten or ignored. Everyone seems to like him (although I’m not sure about Dong-wook – there seems to be distance between those two). Bom, who hadn’t earned many points with me up until now, was on her toes and played a convincing game. She wasn’t silly, but played out the part smartly. It was fun to watch them deliberately pull the members in one by one. The only disappointment was how they ended it – it was too abrupt. They should have let the evening end with everyone convinced that they were dating rather than do a “prank camera” number when they did. My question is, “Are they dating?” Cuz I think it would work, but they would both have to control their flirting with others.

Sung-woo, Nana and Bom get 8/10 this episode Fish market shopping with all sorts of cuteness oozing everywhere. Shin Sung-woo was the happy hyung (he could actually be their father) as he led the two idols through the market to purchase seafood for dinner. Nana and Bom naturally used a little sexy and a dash of aygeo for discounts. Of course it worked. Not to mention the ahjumas who recognized Sung-woo from back in the day and wished for him to come back to the stage, which he promised to do soon.

SeHo and Dong-wook get a 7.5/10 this episode for their great acting. As expected, SeHo wanted to do a hidden camera to get back at the young girls for their antics. SeHo and Don-wook put on a convincing argument that made Bom and Nana cry. Dong-wook confronted SeHo for being drunk (he acted the part very well) and got into a tiff. Since everyone else except Bom and Nana were in on the secret camera spoof, they all jumped in and took sides. It was pretty realistic and fun to watch, that is if you weren’t the two getting pranked. Kang-joon got ribbed for calling his elder, SeHo, a loser as his way of joining in on the prank (something he clearly should not do in a real situation). In any case, please lose the lounge wear, SeHo, and say bye-bye to those dreadful rose and gold print pjs…

Chanyeol gets a 10 for this episode for being everywhere and with everyone. His line, “I almost got fooled. What’s going on?” as a response to everyone’s acting was adorable. He was visibly shaken when Sung-woo cracked the live crab to plunge into the pot. When he told Min-woo and Bom, “Thanks for telling me first” about their dating, he seemed awkwardly pleased. Psyche! Chanyeol can do no wrong.

SoRa, Ga-yeon, Soo-hyun  and Kang-joon were low key and got little air time. I hope to see more of SoRa and Ga-yeon this coming week. And please, writers, give them a group mission or team challenge or something. This show needs direction or it will stray like Barefoot Friends did. Shin-woo looked bored with the pranks and all. I wouldn’t blame him.


Chan-yeol Shin Sung-woo black         min woo kang joon       Seo Kang Joon as Seung-Hyun in Sly & Single Again        cropped-roommate-ep-2-chart.jpg

2 thoughts on “Roommate episode 6 – Korean Reality Show

  1. I mostly like it not having missions, but I’m so confused why it’s 2 hours long if they were going to do it like an old-style reality show. I remember way, way back in the day the Real World solved this problem by making them all do internships at a real business. Maybe something like that should happen. I was totally a Min Woo- GaYeon shipper but the moment Bom suggested Chanyeol like GaYeon I switched ships. Cause that would just be so adorable.


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